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Dear titeldragomir,

It's been a while since we have been in touch and we have some news about new boards on the forum and an Olympus camera event in London next week.

First, the Olympus event - which will provide attendees with an opportunity to handle and use the Olympus' latest cameras and lenses, including the OM-D E-M5, E-PL5 Pen Lite and E-PM2 Pen Mini, plus the 75mm f/1.8 and 60mm f/2.8 macro lenses and there is a rumour the even newer 17mm f/1.8 may make an appearance - but no promises!

The event is slated for Thursday 22nd November at the Murder Mile Studio in East London - see:


The event is liklely to take place between 2 and 9PM on the Thursday next week.

We need to gauge potential interest so if you could let us know if there is a good chance you would be able to attend, please get in touch.

* New forum boards

We now have some new forum areas for you:

Nostalgia Nexus - http://e-group.uk...y.php?f=62

Here is a place to discuss the old times - film and early digital times. It seems like film refuses to lie down and die!

Motion Pictures - movies and animation - http://e-group.uk...y.php?f=59

Arguably late out of the blocks., we now have a section in the forum for discussing all things concerning video and movie making.

* Equipment hire

Finally, don't forget we have a comprehensive and competitively priced Olympus lens, camera, and accessory hire service, including E-System and Pen/OM-D gear, see: http://e-group.uk...

That's all for now - see you on the e-group soon!

Ian Burley

Olympus UK E-System User Group

Pe la noi a ajuns un E-PL5, este Vlad Eftenie in teste...

Dar e bine...las ca o sa vina vara...si o sa fie cald si soare...
Olympus ( film+ digital)
Pai ce, e exact ca la noi!
E-5, 8mm, 12-60mm, 50-200mm
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